
Model Rules – Article 1.2


<< Go back to overview Next article>> Article 1.2 MNE Group and Group Article 1.2 defines the terms “MNE Group” and “Group” for the purposes of the GloBE Rules. These terms, which are used to determine the scope of the GloBE Rules under Article 1.1, perform two key functions. [...]

Model Rules – Article 1.22023-08-11T17:46:12+02:00

Model Rules – Article 1.3


<< Go back to overview Next article>> Article 1.3 Constituent Entity The term Constituent Entity defines those Group Entities that are subject to the GloBE Rules. For example, a Group Entity must be a Constituent Entity before it can be treated as an LTCE and subject to charge under [...]

Model Rules – Article 1.32023-08-11T11:34:11+02:00

Model Rules – Article 1.4


<< Go back to overview Next article>> Article 1.4 Ultimate Parent Entity The definition of UPE is set out in Article 1.4. The UPE definition is used as part of the definition of Group and is the starting point for identifying all the Entities that comprise the MNE Group. [...]

Model Rules – Article 1.42023-08-11T17:43:41+02:00

Model Rules – Article 1.5


<< Go back to overview Next article>> Article 1.5 Excluded Entity Article 1.5 specifies those Entities that are Excluded Entities and therefore not subject to the GloBE Rules. Qualification as an Excluded Entity has three practical effects under the GloBE Rules: a) First, the IIR and UTPR do not [...]

Model Rules – Article 1.52023-08-11T17:56:26+02:00

Model Rules – Article 1.1


Article 1.1 Scope Article 1.1 limits the application of the GloBE Rules to MNE Groups whose annual consolidated revenues in at least two of the four preceding Fiscal Years equal or exceed EUR 750 million. These scope rules ensure that smaller Groups and purely domestic Groups remain unaffected by the GloBE Rules. The [...]

Model Rules – Article 1.12023-08-12T20:10:31+02:00

The GloBE Rules – an overview


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The GloBE Rules – an overview2023-09-14T13:14:23+02:00
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